Forest and riparian data from 5 plots (with four sub-plots each) from the west coast of South Island (New Zealand). The data comprises i) site information from each plot; ii) cover scores of taxa within height strata; and iii) dbh measurement of individual trees. The data set includes four data frames:


  • moki_loc Location of vegetation plots (5 records x 25 variables)

  • moki_site Site characteristics of plots/subplots (25 records x 41 variables)

  • moki_tcv Observations of cover of taxon categories, grouped by vegetation strata (582 records x 30 variables)

  • moki_dia Observations made on individual trees (643 records x 30 variables)

  • moki_str Observations of the cover of surface types (35 records x 20 variables)

  • moki_lookup Lookup table to translate species names


Wiser, S.K., P.J. Bellingham and L.E. Burrows. 2001. Managing biodiversity information: development of the National Vegetation Survey Databank. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(2): 1-17.


New Zealand National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank (